

时间:2024-02-27 13:31:32.0        来源:北京七色光环科技发展有限公司

        北京七色光环科技发展有限公司是集影视器材的研发、系统集成销售、影视节目制作及节目包装于一体的高科技公司。拥有完全自主知识产权的飞行船大型系列摇臂,移动录播、直播集成系统。自问世以来,以其独有的多项专利技术、更为人性化实用的设计、卓越的性价比,享誉大江南北, 2007 -2013连续8年荣获广电行业各类奖项……飞行船3D电影电视摄像摇臂成功完成2012央视网络春晚3D节目录制,飞行船19米大型摄像摇臂于2008年参与北京奥运会圣火传递任务,3D摄像摇臂正式亮相2012CCTV3D网络春晚录播,2013年沈阳全国运动会,2014索契冬奥会,南京青奥会,仁川亚运会均赛场或CCTV演播室均采用飞行船摄像摇臂进行电视直播。始终追求创新和升华,以更多的优质服务,演绎傲人风范,以更为先进的国际化评估标准彰显品质。

Beijing Rainbow Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a halo video equipment development, system integration sales, film and television program production and program packaging in High-tech companies. With completely independent intellectual property rights of a large series of floatplane jib, mobile recording and broadcasting, live integrated system. Since Inception, with its unique patented technology, more humane and practical design, excellent price, known across, and Won three consecutive years: 2007,2008,2009 broadcasting industry ten new products, and 2010 won the first "Heavenly respect" the most radio and television industry Influence of the top ten brands, radio and television industry in 2010 again won the "top ten famous brand" has always been the pursuit of innovation and sublimation, with more Quality services, interpretation impressive style, to more advanced countries highlight the evolution of quality assessment criteria.

